Friday, April 1, 2011

Shroom Vintage T-Shirt

With varietal names such as Button, >Oyster, >Shitake, who wouldn't love mushrooms?  The all purpose vegetable-come-plant-come-err, whatever else... 

The history books tell us that the >Ancient Egyptians believed mushrooms grew by magic because of the way they could appear over night - Voilà! 

Mushrooms growing by magic?  There you go, clearly some of the historians were big consumers!

100 Uses for Mushrooms
1. Mushroom Risotto
2. Mushroom Sauce
3. Mushroom Soop
4. Mushroom Gravy
5. Mushroom... um, as a centrepiece on t-shirts
6. .........................
7. .........................
8. .........................
(Still a ways to go on the top 100, but we'll get there.)

Colours: >Cardinal Red, >Black, >Olive, >Iris
Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, >XXL

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